Our products
we deal with Red onion seedlings, White onion seedlings, Germinated garlic cloves, Onion Value pack & Garlic value pack among others
Red onion seedlings
Onion doctor Limited is renowned for its specialization in the onion and garlic value chains. Our clients enjoy professional guidance on selection of varieties, choice of agro chemicals and pointers on Good Agronomic Practices (G.A.P)
Red Onion seedlings that we offer Red coach F1 Malbec F1 Jambar F1 Russet F1 Africa Red F1
White onion seedlings
White onion farming is slowly gaining traction in Kenya as the demand of the white onions keeps on growing locally. Our clients enjoy professional guidance on selection of varieties, choice of agro chemicals and pointers on Good Agronomic Practices (G.A.P) and market linkages.
White Onion seedlings that we offer Sirius F1 Ceylon F1 Texas grano F1 Shahara F1
Germinated garlic cloves
With most of the locally consumed garlic coming from china, Kenyan farmers have a chance to produce and meet the local demand. Our clients enjoy professional guidance on selection of varieties, choice of agro chemicals and pointers on Good Agronomic Practices (G.A.P) and market linkages.
Germinated garlic cloves that we offer Rwandan giant variety African giant variety Moyale variety