Chives Versus Green Onions

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Chives and green onions look similar, but their flavor and cooking applications make them quite different. Here we explore the difference between chives and green onions and how to use both in our favorite recipes. What Is a Green Onion? Scallions, also known as green onions, are harvested early before the onion bulb fully forms. Scallions have a small, white base with straight sides and long, slender green stalks that progress from light green to dark green.Scallions are sometimes mistakenly called spring onions, but they are not the same thing—spring onions have a larger, more bulbous white base. What Is a Chive? Chives are long, slender, hollow green tubes that resemble thin straws or blades of grass. Chives have a pronounced grassy, onion flavor. Because they’re so delicate, chives are typically used raw as a garnish or added toward the end of cooking time to add a pop of green and an oniony bite. Although they both have a mild onion flavor, chives and green onions (aka scallions) are not the same thing. Chives are smaller, thinner, and more delicate than green onions, and they don’t have an edible bulb at the bottom. Compared to green onions, chives have a much milder onion flavor. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Garlic Farming In Kenya: Is Garlic A Hybrid?

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Garlic is a staple ingredient in many cuisines around the world. Its distinct flavor and aroma add depth and complexity to dishes, making it a favorite among chefs and home cooks alike. But have you ever wondered if garlic is a hybrid? Garlic, scientifically known as Allium sativum, is believed to have originated in Central Asia thousands of years ago. It has a long history of cultivation and has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

What Are Garlic Chives?

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Garlic chives are graceful herbs with pretty white flowers. The combination of a chive-like appearance and strong garlic flavor makes garlic chives a popular seasoning. What Are Garlic Chives? With their white flowers, long green shoots, and lack of a bulb, garlic chives (Allium tuberosum) bear a strong resemblance to regular chives. That’s not surprising since both are members of the onion family. However, while the standard chive has a mild flavor similar to onions, you can grow garlic chives in your garden or a container herb garden. Origins: The Chinese have been growing and cooking with garlic chives for at least 3,000 years, dating back to the Chou dynasty (1027 BC to 256 BC). But the popularity of this herb extends beyond China. Japanese cooks call garlic chives nira and use them frequently in meat and seafood recipes. 1: Standard garlic chives:  Garlic chives look similar to chives, but their leaves are broad and flat instead of hollow. Their garlicky flavor enhances cooked dishes, particularly ones where the food is slowly simmered in a sauce, such as red-cooked stews or soups, or in stuffing. Use them also to add flavor to stir-fries. They go particularly well with eggs and seafood—you’ll often find them paired with scrambled eggs or prawns.  2: Flowering Chives : Flowering chives have hollow, light green stems and yellow buds on the end. But don’t let their delicate appearance fool you: flowering chives have a stronger garlicky flavor than standard garlic cloves. The yellow buds make an attractive garnish and, unlike regular chives, they are edible. Their popularity means that flowering chives are often easier to find than garlic chives. Feel free to use them in place of garlic chives. 3: Yellow Chives: Yellow chives are garlic chives that have been grown under cover, without any exposure to direct sunlight. This prevents the leaves from turning green, as the plant’s chlorophyll-absorbing molecules never kick into action. Yellow chives have thick flat leaves, a yellow color, and a mild, onion-like flavor. Like flowering chives, they are considered to be a delicacy, and often served alone or paired with another vegetable in a stir-fry. Use them in soups, with noodles, or whenever you want to add chives with a milder flavor than either garlic or flowering chives. Storage: Fresh garlic chives have a short lifespan. Remove any dark green leaves that have wilted before cooking. Both regular garlic chives and flowering chives will last for a few days. Fresh yellow chives, on the other hand, should be used within the same day.

Herb Profile: Garlic

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Garlic is one of the most important and most ancient, widely known and universally applicable of all medicinal plants. The active medicinal compound alliin has been isolated by modern research, justifying many of the traditional applications. Strongly warming and mildly moistening, garlic is beneficial for cold and dry conditions. Garlic contains sulfur compounds including alliin , enzymes, B vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids. The sulfur in garlic makes it a metabolic stimulant while the oil in garlic is nutritive. This nutritive quality makes garlic a go-to for cases of sympathetic excess where there is nervousness, anxiety, insomnia and weight loss. By balancing the sympathetic nervous system and moving the body more into the parasympathetic nervous system, garlic improves appetite, digestion, absorption, removes gas, bloating, colic, GI inflammation, lack of appetite, and anemia. Garlic improves digestion by increasing mucosal secretion. Garlic dissolves cloying substances and helps the body rid itself of them. Garlic is also antibacterial in an intelligent selective manner, killing foreign pathogens while supportive healthy intestinal flora. It does so by attacking the harmful bacteria directly and by changing the environment and eliminating waster material in which they thrive. The strong smell of garlic is due to its sulphurous alliin compounds that are stimulating, detoxifying and antimicrobial. Garlic improves digestion and stimulates metabolism while simultaneously killing foreign pathogens in the digestive tract. Garlic is well known for its use in cardiovascular health, in part by stimulating production of a substance that relaxes the arteries. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Clove of Garlic before Bed

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: There are miraculous benefits in a bulb of garlic and it’s suggested to have at least one clove of it before going to bed. The adequate content of magnesium and potassium that exists in garlic has an important role in the quality of sleep. To sleep deeply, the brain needs to reduce neurons and nervous system activity. When the activity of neurons has reduced, the quality of sleep goes higher. The other element is Potassium which causes deeper sleep and a shorter time to fall asleep. However, if your intake of magnesium and potassium is high, you don’t have to have a garlic clove to boost your sleep quality. The other way with which you can use garlic before bed is what our previous generations did. In the past, people used to put a clove of garlic under their pillow to sleep peacefully. The distinctive smell of garlic is because of a chemical compound called Allicin. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Garlic: Is It Good For You?

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Garlic has been used, both medicinally and as a food or flavoring, since the dawn of recorded history. Ancient medical texts from as far afield as Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome discussed the medical uses of garlic. Nutrients per Serving In food, garlic is used in small quantities and contains very few calories, fat, protein, or carbohydrates. Its health action comes from the enzymes and unique compounds that it contains. One clove of garlic contains: Calories: 4 Protein: 0 grams Fat: 0 grams Carbohydrates: 1gram Fiber: 0 gram Potential Health Benefits of Garlic: Medical research links garlic to a number of health benefits. However, some studies have suggested that raw garlic may be more effective than the cooked version, while garlic supplements are the most effective. Garlic tea retains the health benefits of raw garlic, as long as it is prepared properly: the key is boiling your crushed garlic no longer than 3 minutes. Cardiac Health: Garlic supplements, and in particular aged garlic extract, have also been shown to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. It appears to do so in part by preventing vasoconstriction, or narrowing of blood vessels. While garlic’s effects are comparable to standard blood-pressure drugs, it has been found that people who have inadequate levels of vitamin B may not experience this benefit.  Reduced Risk of Infections:  Garlic is widely recognized for its ability to fight bacteria, viruses, fungi, and even parasites. One study found that allicin, an active component of freshly crushed garlic, had antiviral properties and was also effective against a broad range of bacteria, including multidrug-resistant strains of E. coli. It also found that allicin had antifungal properties, including against Candida albicans, which causes yeast infections. Its anti-parasitic action helps fight major intestinal parasites, including Giardia. Other studies have also shown that allicin can help inhibit the growth of the bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Garlic Benefits for Women

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Garlic has been used as a natural remedy for centuries and is widely known to have many health benefits. For women, garlic can be especially beneficial in areas such as sexual health and fertility. Garlic contains antioxidants that can help reduce oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health. Garlic has been shown to boost libido in both men and women by helping to regulate hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. Garlic also contains compounds like allicin which may help enhance fertility by helping to balance hormones and improve egg quality. 2- Increases Fertility: Infertility in females is increasing daily because of many problems, but one of the significant causes is PCOS. These days, teenagers and adults both have to deal with it. It is polycystic ovary syndrome and an inflammatory-disorders affecting the female reproductive system. The most common signs can be disruption and ovulation delays because of cysts. PCOS can also cause other metabolic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Sometimes it gets way more challenging to treat it with medication than we think. That is why functional food is used to treat PCOS to improve infertility. As mentioned above, garlic has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat PCOS symptoms. PCOS cannot be fully recovered, but its worse effects and symptoms can be controlled, and overall health can be kept in check with a diet garlic is a huge part of that PCOS diet. 3- Great Antioxidant: An antioxidant is a substance that fights off harmful substances and protects the human body from rational damage. For instance, if you are about to catch an STD, garlic and its active substances will help you eliminate the potential free radicals that will further damage your body. So, if you want to keep your sexual life healthy, adding garlic to your diet will make a huge difference. You will feel healthier than ever before. 4- Improving vaginal health: Garlic is a popular choice for its recondite health benefits, especially when it comes to improving vaginal health. Garlic has practical benefits such as helping balance pH levels in the vagina and fighting infections like yeast and bacterial vaginosis. Garlic also helps reduce inflammation related to some common sexual issues. Garlic has anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help fight many pathogenic bacteria while boosting immunity. Along with making dietary changes including garlic, women should also practice daily self-care habits like washing their genitals regularly and avoiding douches or other products that can disrupt the delicate vaginal environment. Ultimately, by incorporating garlic into one’s diet and following regular hygiene practices, women may improve their vaginal health drastically! Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Garlic Weed Management

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: An important growing technique when growing garlic is weed management. Garlic plants are generally competing poorly with weeds, especially during the first developmental stages, due to the relatively thin and upright growth leaves. As a result, the plants may often suffer from weeds (if left uncontrolled), which compete with plants in terms of space, access to sunlight, water, and nutrients. The presence of weeds will have a negative impact on the yield of bulbs (up to 80% losses), as well as on the quality of the cloves. At Onion Doctor, we’ve come up with :  A complete guide on how to control Pest and Disease, Weed Management  and many programs on how to manage your seedlings from nursery to harvesting time for healthy, high-quality bulb and cloves. Don’t hesitate to reach to us for a quote. Garlic is highly vulnerable to weed infestation due to its slow emergence and slow initial growth, non-branching habit, sparse foliage, shallow root system. Weeds compete for nutrients, soil, moisture, space and light considerably reducing the yield, quality and value through increased production and harvesting costs. Garlic is closely planted crop with very small canopy. Due to smaller leaf size it cannot compete with the weeds. Their competition with the plants starts at very early growth stage because immediately after planting the cloves, the weed emergence occurs that competes with the tender seedlings. Weeds also harbor insect pests and disease-causing organisms. The losses caused by weeds have been estimated to be much higher than those caused by insect pest and diseases. Weed reduces the bulb yield to the extent of 40 to 80% . In garlic shallow root system make mechanical method of weed control difficult and sometimes causes damage to developing bulbs  Techniques include mulching, hand weeding, cover cropping, crop rotation, flame weeding, vinegar-based herbicides, and corn gluten meal. Mulching blocks sunlight and reduces weed germination, while hand weeding is simple and effective. Cover cropping prevents soil erosion and improves fertility. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Climatic Conditions for Growing Garlic in Kenya.

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Garlic also known as “Kitunguu- saumu” is a cool-season crop that prefers moderate temperatures and well-drained soil. In Kenya, garlic can be grown successfully in most regions with suitable climatic conditions. Here are the ideal climate conditions for growing garlic in Kenya: Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Garlic Farming in Kenya: Best Garlic Varieties in Kenya

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or What’s app +254703982228, Email: In Kenya, several garlic varieties can be successfully grown. The choice of the best garlic variety depends on factors such as local climate, market demand, and personal preference. Here are a few popular garlic varieties that have been known to perform well in Kenya: Garlic varieties that Grow in Kenya Three main varieties of garlic grown in Kenya are; Soft-neck variety The most common Garlic varieties grown in Kenya are soft-neck. It has a paper-like skin and is white. It is widespread in the Kenyan market as a result. On each head, this variety yields fewer big cloves. It has a strong scent and is also powerful and delicious. Examples include Rwandan giant,Arusha Hard-neck variety The flavor and smell of hard-neck garlic are powerful and sweetly fragrant. Each head’s cloves will be bigger and fewer. Its skin can be easily and quickly removed. For the Kenyan market, it is typically not preferable because it is quickly perishable. Elephant garlic variety Elephant garlic has a massive head made up of enormous cloves. These may be discoverable at supermarket shops. You may add elephant garlic to your food to give it a gentle flavor and aroma. Examples include Moyale,Ethiopia giant. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

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