
Drip Irrigation for Onion Farming in Kenya

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email:

Drip irrigation is an efficient and effective method of irrigation in onion farming, particularly in regions with limited water resources like Kenya. Onions require a consistent and controlled water supply throughout their growth cycle to achieve optimal yields and quality. Drip irrigation offers several benefits over traditional irrigation methods like flood irrigation or overhead sprinklers, such as reduced water wastage, improved water efficiency, and better control of soil moisture levels.

Here are some key considerations and steps for implementing drip irrigation in onion farming in Kenya:

  • Site selection

Site selection is a crucial step in setting up a drip irrigation system to ensure optimal water distribution and bulb health. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting the site for your drip irrigation system:

Topography: Choose a relatively flat or gently sloping area to facilitate even water distribution. Avoid steep slopes as water may run off too quickly, leading to uneven irrigation.

  • Soil type: Soil with good water retention properties, such as loamy soil, is ideal for drip irrigation. Avoid sandy or rocky soils, as they may not retain water well, or heavy clay soils, which can lead to poor drainage.
  • Water quality: Ensure that the water source for your drip irrigation system is of good quality and free from contaminants that could clog the emitters. If the water quality is poor, consider using a filtration system to prevent clogging.
  • Water source:

    We encourage our clients to have  water source, such as a borehole, well, or water reservoir, that can supply enough water for the onion crop throughout the growing season.

  • Drip system design: Work with our agricultural experts to design a drip system that suits your specific onion farming needs. Factors to consider include the water flow rate, spacing between drip lines 3 rows of drip lines will be laid per bed. Each drip line row is 20cm apart , emitter type: The tape emitters are spaced 8 to 12 inches apart, and overall system layout.
  • Drip line installation:Drip tapes are installed 2 to 3 inches deep in the bed center, between the two double rows, at the time of planting. The tape emitters are spaced 8 to 12 inches apart. This bed configuration minimizes tape use and cost per acre. 
  • Fertigation: Drip irrigation allows for the integration of fertigation, which is the application of fertilizers through the irrigation system .The fertilizer program should always have a lot of nitrogen. Pre-seeding: Apply phosphorus-rich fertilizer at least 3 inches below the seed before planting. Three weeks after planting: Apply nitrogen-based fertilizer at 1 cup per 20 feet. Every 2-3 weeks: Grow the seeds with nitrogen until the neck is exposed
  • Mulching: Use organic mulch around the onion plants to reduce evaporation and maintain soil moisture levels.
  • Monitoring and maintenance: Regularly inspect the drip system to check for leaks, clogs, or any other issues that may affect its performance. Proper maintenance will ensure the system operates effectively.

Benefits of Drip Irrigation for Onion Farming in Kenya:

  • Water conservation: Drip irrigation reduces water wastage and minimizes water usage compared to traditional irrigation methods.
  • Increased efficiency: Water is delivered directly to the root zone of the onion plants, maximizing water uptake and reducing evaporation losses.
  • Better crop quality: Consistent soil moisture levels result in uniform onion growth, leading to improved bulb development and higher quality produce.
  • Weed control: Drip irrigation delivers water only to the desired crop area, reducing weed growth between rows.

Various Cost of drip Irrigation from Onion Doctor’s Company

1 Acre= ksh. 170,000

½ Acre=ksh.85,000

¼ Acre=ksh. 43,000

1/8 Acre=ksh. 22,000

Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.