Onion Farming

Farming, Onion Farming

Frequently Asked questions: Onion Farming in Kenya

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. Question: Are all onion varieties suited for all places? Answer: No, we have varieties that do well in hot low altitude areas such Neptune f1, Redcoach F1 ,Jambar F1 and varieties that do well in colder high altitude areas such as Russet F1,Malbec F1. Broadly, short day varieties do well in cooler areas while long day varieties do well in hotter areas. Question: How many seedlings fit in an acre? Answer: 150,000 to 180,000 pieces depending on irrigation method and spacing used. Question: How long do onions take to mature after transplanting? Answer: Three months Question: How long do onions take in the nursery before transplanting Answer: 6 weeks. Question: What is the yield of onions / acre? Answer: 12 to 15 tonnes /acre Question: What is the average farm gate price of onions per acre? Answer: 40 Ksh /Kg Question: What are the common Pest and Diseases. Answer: Common pest includes, Thrips, Mite and Leaf Miners. Common Diseases are: Downy mildew, Leaf blight, Purple blotch and Maggot rot. White onion seedlings Question: Are all onion varieties suited for all places? Answer: No, we have varieties that do well in hot low altitude areas such Texas grano F1 and varieties that do well in colder high altitude areas such as Cyelon F1 . Broadly, short day varieties do well in cooler areas while long day varieties do well in hotter areas. Question: How many seedlings fit in an acre? Answer: 150,000 to 180,000 pieces depending on irrigation method and spacing used. Question: How long do onions take to mature after transplanting? Answer: Three months Question: What is the yield of onions / acre? Answer: 12 to 15 tonnes /acre Question: What is the average farm gate price of onions per acre? Answer: 40 Ksh /Kg Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming

Soil sampling methods and tools

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. Before any sampling can begin, the following steps should be considered to ensure the sample is collected and analyzed correctly: Obtain appropriate tools for field sampling. Divide fields and production areas into sampling zones. Determine sampling locations based on crop Appropriate tools for field sampling. Push probes, hammer probes, and bucket augers (Figure 1) are commonly used because they are capable of taking uniform samples with depth. A  clean plastic bucket should be used.Ensure that the bucket and free of any debris and has not been used to collect or hold fertilizer, manure, or compost. Avoid using a metal bucket as it can interfere with test results. Dividing fields and production areas into sampling zones Identify areas with differences in topography, nutrient application rates, soil type or texture, or soil tillage practices to create sampling zones with uniform characteristics. A sampling zone is typically an entire field or production area, but differences in soil may require an area with the same crop and management to be split into different sampling zones. Some areas may be separated by a physical barrier, such as a ditch or road, or even be non-contiguous, but may be considered one sampling zone if they have uniform characteristics. Sampling zones for the basic soil fertility test should be limited to a  (25-acre) size. Sampling zones measuring nitrate are not limited to a size when no other differences in soils, cropping system, or management exist. In situations where large areas need to be sampled, alternative sampling strategies, such as directed benchmark sampling, may be used. Determine sampling locations The sampling location within the sampling zone is dependent on the crop and method in which nutrients area applied For all sampling guidelines, avoid sampling areas that would not be considered representative of an area. This includes: Soil Sampling Depth Depending on Crop. Most Horticultural crops, have their root zone in the top 30 cm. When collecting a sample the top soil(30cm) should be collected. Most fruit trees have their root zones in the top 100cm. When collecting a sample, the top and sub-soil should be collected. Onion Doctor provides soil testing services at very competitive prices. Do not hesitate to contact us for a quote. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming


Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. Controlling weed development during the onion crop cycle is essential to obtain high yields and marketable products. Onions do not compete well with weeds: they are slow growing and can suffer from successive flushes of weeds; they have narrow upright leaves which do not shade out weeds that emerge in the rows. For most crops it is often possible to choose between mechanical or chemical control. But with onions, the plant and crop characteristics make mechanical solutions difficult to use after planting: In organic systems, mulches (such as straw, cardboard, etc.) can provide good weed control in and between rows if applied in a thick mat before weeds emerge. There are also approved organic herbicides that can assist in weed management in these operations. These organic herbicides are primarily contact herbicides and must be applied to the green tissue of the weeds. Care must be taken when using these contact herbicides that the chemical does not get on the onion seedlings. Most organic herbicides have limited residual activity so weed control involves a combination of approaches like tillage, hoeing, and mulches, in addition to the herbicides. Onion Doctor offers trainings on how to manage weed and how to control them for a competitive cost. Don’t be left behind. Weed population in onion crops Since onion crops are not competitive against weeds, many species (grass or broad leaf, annual or perennial) may grow in your parcels. The composition of each weed population is highly variable; it depends on many factors such as soil type, crop rotation, sowing and growing period etc.  Preemergence control WEMBE 200 SL: Is a non-selective Post emergence herbicide which controls Annual and perennial grasses and broad leaved weeds. By applying WEMBE 200 SL during land preparation, you can effectively clear the area of unwanted weeds, even those that are particularly resilient or challenging to control. Management & Control In order to have high and quality yields, proper management is required. Most commonly used methods include:  This method involves the use of herbicides. Its advantageous because of the following:  Herbicides recommended for  controlling onion weeds: Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming

Pest and disease management

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. Pest and disease management is crucial for obtaining higher marketable bulb yield and good quality bulbs. The most effective way of managing Pests and Diseases is religiously following a spray and feeding regime. Onion Doctor curates spray and feeding programes at competitive prices. Be sure to contact us for a quote. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming

Common Pests and Diseases in Onion

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. The most effective way of managing Pests and Diseases is religiously following a spray and feeding regime. Onion Doctor curates spray and feeding programes at competitive prices. Be sure to contact us for a quote. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming

Unlocking Profit Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Onion Farming in Kenya

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. Onion farming in Kenya presents a lucrative opportunity for farmers seeking profitability in agriculture. At Onion Doctor, we understand the intricacies involved in achieving success in onion cultivation. Our expertise extends from market linkages to on-farm guidance, ensuring a bountiful harvest. Discover the keys to prosperity by following our comprehensive approach to onion farming in Kenya. Essential Steps for Profitable Onion Farming: Embarking on a successful onion farming venture requires meticulous planning and execution. Onion Doctor provides invaluable assistance in various crucial stages: Land Preparation: Prepare your land effectively with our expert guidance on soil health and structure before and during planting. We optimize your soil for maximum yield potential.  Transplanting and Weeding Strategies: Proper labor planning during transplanting and weeding is critical. Onion Doctor offers strategies to ensure efficient labor management, enhancing your overall farm productivity.  Post-Harvest Handling Procedures: Maximize profits by implementing effective post-harvest handling procedures. Onion Doctor provides insights into preserving the quality of your bulbs, ensuring a profitable gain during harvest. Contact Onion Doctor for a quotation and unlock the full potential of your onion farm The Lucrative Onion Market in Kenya: Understanding the onion market is pivotal for success. In Kenya, the demand for onions is vast, making it an excellent investment. Target the following markets for optim Diverse Consumer Base: Kenyan households widely incorporate onions into their daily meals, creating a consistent Target Institutions and Hotels: Institutions, schools, hotels, and restaurants represent lucrative markets due to their substantial onion consumption. Focus your marketing efforts on these high-dem Managing Market Fluctuations: Given the fluctuating prices in the onion market, Onion Doctor provides market linkages and insights to help you navigate market dynamics successfully. Health Benefits of Onions Besides being a profitable venture, onions boast numerous health benefits, making them a valuable addition to the diet. Incorporate these advantages into your marketing strategy:  Immune Health and Tissue Repair: Highlight the high vitamin C content in onions, promoting immune health and tissue repair.  Heart Health: Emphasize the presence of quercetin, an antioxidant that reduces heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure. Antibacterial Properties: Share research findings on onion extracts inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, contributing to overall health.  Gut Health and Cancer Protection: Promote onions as a source of fiber, prebiotics, and alliums, supporting gut health and reducing the risk of certain cancers. Onion Doctor is dedicated to supporting smallholder farmers across Africa. Our services, including quality seedlings, farm planning, soil testing, irrigation solutions, agronomic support, and on-farm training, empower farmers to optimize yields and achieve maximum profits. Partner with Onion Doctor to transform your onion farming venture into a thriving and sustainable success.

Farming, Onion Farming

Onion Farming in Kenya: Organic Onion Farming in Kenya

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. Organic onion farming in Kenya has been gaining popularity due to the increasing demand for organic produce both locally and internationally. Organic farming is a sustainable agricultural practice that emphasizes the use of natural methods to grow crops without the use of synthetic chemicals, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). key aspects to consider when it comes to organic onion farming in Kenya: Onion doctor offers an Organic Feeding Program and Guide from Nursery- Harvesting time. For further information feel free to reach us. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming

Onion Farming in Kenya: Best Onion Fertilizer in Kenya

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. The best way to know the fertilizers to use in onion farming is through soil testing. Soil testing enables a farmer to know the soil composition and the required corrections for effective onion production. However there is a basic guide on fertilizer application that we will dive into in this article. Onion Doctor provides Soil testing services at competitive prices. Be sure to contact us for a quote. Onions require a high source of nitrogen. A nitrogen-based fertilizer (ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate) should be applied at the rate of one cup per twenty feet of row. The first application should be about three weeks after planting and then continue with applications every 2 to 3 weeks. Potassium is necessary for good photosynthetic activity, migration, and utilization of synthetic carbohydrates. Its deficiency causes the yellow-green leaves, tops, and small bulbs to dry out. Onion cultivation requires 100 kg nitrogen, 50 kg phosphorus, and 50 kg potash Fertilization regime Fertilizer application for Onion should therefore start by first week after transplanting, with an NPK regime for establishment of the crop. 40% of the N, and K as well as Calcium requirements should then be applied by the 3rd-4th week during the first Top- dress. The second Top-dressing should then be done at the Bulbing stage. Onion Nutrition All basal fertilizers (e.g. DAP, CAN, etc.) and manure should be mixed with HUMIPOWER at the rate of 1kg Humipower into 50kg fertilizer or 1 ton of manure. Humipower helps to improve on the nutrient uptake by the crop, stimulates growth, improves soil structure, and adds organic matter to the soil among other benefits. OPTIMIZER 10ml/20l should be sprayed at all stages in order to boost crop’s immunity, manage stress, and improve the general performance of the crop. It supplies both macro and micro nutrient elements and growth hormones. Fertilizer application timing has a significant effect on crop yields. Proper timing of the fertilizer application increases yields, reduces nutrient losses, increases nutrient use efficiency and prevents damage to the environment. Once the neck starts feeling soft do not apply any more fertilizer. This should occur approximately 4 weeks prior to harvest. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming


Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. White onion is a type of onion that is characterized by its white skin and white flesh. It is a common ingredient in many cuisines around the world due to its pungent, slightly sweet flavor and versatility in cooking. White onions are low in calories and fat, and are a good source of several essential nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. White onions are usually round or oval in shape and have a firm, crunchy texture. They have a strong, pungent flavor when raw, but become sweeter and milder when cooked. White onions are often used in a variety of dishes, including soups, salads, and sauces. They can also be caramelized or roasted to add flavor to a dish. In addition to their culinary uses, onions have also been used for medicinal purposes. They have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. They are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Properties in White Onion It might act as an antioxidant. It might be antimicrobial. It might safeguard the heart. It might be anti-parasitic. It might have the potential to help against lung diseases. It might lower the blood sugar levels. It might possess the cholesterol-lowering property. Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

Farming, Onion Farming

Optimizing Garlic Farming in Kenya: A Comprehensive Guide to Fertilization with Onion Doctor’s Expertise”

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke. In the verdant landscapes of Kenya, garlic farming stands as a testament to agricultural prowess. Fertilization plays a pivotal role in ensuring a healthy crop and maximizing yields. Onion Doctor’s Expertise in Fertilization: The cornerstone of successful garlic farming is a meticulous feeding program. Onion Doctor steps in as a guide, offering detailed feeding programs and comprehensive training on timely fertilizer application throughout the season. Smallholder farmers can benefit from this expertise by reaching out to Onion Doctor for a competitive quotation based on their acreage. Balanced Nutrition for Quality Onions: Quality onions demand a balanced approach to nutrition. Initiating the process with manure improves organic matter and soil structure. Soil test analyses play a crucial role in determining the required quantity of manure or nutrients. Fertilizer application should commence in the first week or during transplanting for optimal results. Precision in Fertilizer Application: Precision is key in fertilizer application. Overuse can lead to plant overgrowth, delayed maturity, and soft bulbs. Onions, with their shallow root system, require timely application in close proximity to the rooting system. Methods such as drilling furrows along drip lines or using fertigation systems ensure effective nutrient delivery without causing root damage. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Dynamics: Understanding the dynamics of essential nutrients is crucial. Onions prefer nitrate nitrogen and require more nitrate N-source fertilizer. Late-season excess nitrogen can lead to delayed maturation and double centers. Phosphorus is crucial for early root growth and uniform crop establishment. Potassium becomes vital during bulb development, ensuring proper expansion. Critical Role of Calcium and Boron: Calcium and boron play critical roles in enhancing shelf-life and preventing rot in garlic bulbs. Foliar fertilization can effectively deliver these essential elements. Adhering to good agricultural practices becomes paramount, especially given the shallow root system, necessitating meticulous water and nutrient management. Onion Doctor’s Holistic Support: As a grand finale, the article emphasizes Onion Doctor’s role in supporting smallholder farmers across Africa. From providing quality and affordable onion and garlic seedlings to offering farm planning services, soil testing, drip irrigation installation, and comprehensive agronomic support, Onion Doctor ensures farmers optimize yields and achieve maximum profits.

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