Drip Irrigation in Onion Farming Guide.

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email: Info@oniondoctor.co.ke.

Drip irrigation is an efficient and effective method of irrigation for onion farming in Kenya. It helps to conserve water, reduce weed growth, and minimize the risk of diseases associated with overwatering. Here’s a beginner’s guide to implementing drip irrigation for onion farming in Kenya:

Why onion farming using drip irrigation is the best.

  • Onion drip irrigation soil moisture :Maintaining consistent soil moisture with drip irrigation restricts excessive root growth and reduces the risk of bulbs splitting.
  • Onion drip irrigation deduction on fertilizer and nutrients wastage: The onion plants have a shallow, fibrous roots system, therefore at the start of the season fertilizers applied get scattered by rain drops hence making nutrients unavailable for the plant. Drip irrigation offers nutrition that always reach at the bottom of the roots.
  • Onion drip irrigation disease management: With drip irrigating, water is directed directly to the onion roots, thus leaving the leaves dry. Less moisture content on the leaf significantly reduces onion diseases such as Downey Mildew or bulb rot, thus minimizing crop loss and scaling up production up to 40 percent higher yields.
  • Drip irrigation in onions ensures efficient fertigation: Onions need soluble minerals to grow especially phosphorus, which has low mobility within the soil. Which means that drip irrigation is the only option that can be used to apply consistent small doses of mineral nutrients and fertilizers as close to the active root hairs as possible to support boosting of mineral uptake by the onion plants.

What to consider when designing Drip irrigation system in onion farming.

  • Nature of the field or site: When designing onion drip irrigation system, it is better to identify the onion roots irrigation zones. This can be done based on various factors factors such as land topography, length of the field, soil condition, optimal drip tape run length, and filter sizes. Once the zones are assigned and the drip irrigation system designed, it is possible to schedule irrigations to meet the unique needs of each zone.
  • Drip system uniformity: Onions plants have got a very strong positive yield and very sensitive to wet soil, yet exhibit increased risk of decomposition in over wet soil. This therefore means that the drip system should be carefully designed to apply water uniformly. In excessively dry areas production curve reduces, and the disease and nutrients loss are promoted in excessively wet areas. By applying drip irrigations, the minimum water application uniformity for onion rangers between 80 – 90 percent.
  • The onions bed design specifications: When designing bed rows and furrows for onions, special configurations should be taken care of in terms of spacing and bed height. Spacing between the rows should be between 33 inches to around 50 inches. The 50 inches is the distance between the furrows. The double rows are spaced 20 inches apart and consist of two onion rows spaced at a distance of 4 inches apart. Drip tapes are installed 5 to 8 inches deep in the bed center, between the two double rows, at the time of planting. The tape emitters should be spaced 8 to 12 inches apart. This bed configuration minimizes the use and cost of drip tape per acre. Onion Doctor we offer trainings and guidance on how to design your bed.

Components of a Drip System.

  • Drip irrigation tapes.  3 rows of drip lines will be laid per bed. Each drip line row is 20cm apart and they will be laid 20cm from the edge of the bed.
  •  Emittters:16mm Double Emitter drip lines with spacing of 15cm or 20cm with flow rates of between 1.1L/hr per hour to 2.0L/hr depending on the pressure. The drip lines have a wall thickness of 0.3mm or 0.4mm.
  • Filters: Install a filter to prevent clogging of the emitters. Choose a filter appropriate for your water source and ensure regular maintenance.
  • Pressure Regulators: These maintain a consistent water pressure throughout the system, ensuring even distribution.
  • Connectors and Fittings: Use connectors and fittings to assemble the system and make necessary adjustments.

Drip Installation and Maintenance.

Prepare the Field: Clear the field of any debris or rocks that could interfere with the proper functioning of the drip system. Level the field if necessary, as this ensures even water distribution.

Install the Drip System: Lay the drip tape or drip line along the rows where you’ll be planting the onions. Secure it with stakes or bury it slightly to keep it in place. Install emitters near each onion plant, ensuring the appropriate spacing based on your crop’s needs

Test the System: Before planting, run the drip system to check for any leaks, clogs, or pressure issues. Fix any problems that you encounter.

Planting and Mulching: Plant the onion seedlings or sets at the specified spacing along the drip tape. Applying a layer of organic mulch can help retain moisture and reduce weed growth.

Irrigation Schedule: Set up an appropriate irrigation schedule based on the water needs of onions. In the beginning, frequent watering may be needed until the onion plants establish their root systems. As they mature, reduce the frequency of irrigation, but ensure sufficient water supply to support bulb development.

Regular Maintenance: Inspect the system regularly for any issues, and clean the filters to prevent clogging. Also, check the emitters and replace any damaged ones.

Onion Doctor offers Drip Irrigation kit and installation services at a very competitive price. Our prices are as follows: 

1Acre=ksh. 170,000.

1/2 Acre=ksh. 85,000.

1/4 Acre= ksh. 43,000.

1/8 Acre=ksh. 22,000. 

3 driplines/bed.

Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

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