The Benefits of Onion Farming in Kenya

Are you in need of in-depth knowledge on onion and garlic production? If yes, we are a call away. Our service chatter includes: Onion seedlings, Garlic seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack and Farm management. For free consultation, placing orders or booking a visit with an agronomist, please contact us via Call or what’s app +254703982228, Email:

Discover the world of onion farming in Kenya and seize the opportunity for both subsistence and commercial success. Onion farming offers a host of benefits, and with Onion Doctor by your side, you can maximize your yields and profits. Let’s explore the lucrative world of onion farming in Kenya.

High Demand: Onions are a staple ingredient in almost all Kenyan dishes, making them highly sought after in the market. The demand for onions remains consistently high throughout the year, ensuring a steady market for farmers.

Profitability: The retail prices for onions in Kenya can reach up to 200 shillings per kilogram, with wholesale prices range from 35 to 120 shillings per kilogram.

Adaptability: Onions can be grown in various regions of Kenya, including Naivasha, Kajiado, Meru, Narok, Nyeri, and even Oloitoktok.

Versatility: Onions have multiple uses in the culinary world. They can be used as seasoning in soups, salads, and a wide range of recipes, making them a versatile crop with diverse market opportunities.

Understanding the Onion Varieties: Before delving into the farming process, it’s crucial to understand the different onion varieties suitable for cultivation in Kenya. The choice of variety depends on factors such as climate, market demand, and intended use. All the different varieties can be categorized into two main groups:

Bulb Onions: Bulb onions are the most common type of onions grown for their bulbs. They come in various colors, including red, white, and yellow. Popular bulb onion varieties in Kenya include Red Creole, Red Couch F1, Texas Early Grano, Red Pinoy, and Red Passion F1.

Spring Onions: Spring onions, also known as scallions or salad onions, are non-bulbing onions cultivated for their green stems/leaves. They are highly productive and have a wide range of culinary applications.

Planning Your Onion Farm: What to Take Into Consideration

Location: Onions thrive in altitudes ranging from 500 to 2000 meters above sea level. Additionally, regions with a rainfall of 500 to 700mm are ideal for onion cultivation. Finally, ensure that the soil has good water-holding capabilities and a pH level between 6 and 7.

Land Preparation: Prepare the land for onion farming by plowing and harrowing the soil at least three weeks before planting. Next, apply organic manure or compost (2 to 4 tons per acre) to enhance soil fertility and improve yields. And remember to conduct a soil test to determine if there are any nutrient deficiencies or pathogens that might affect your onions.

Onion Propagation and Planting: Select a suitable onion seed variety based on your location and market requirements. Make sure to use certified F1 seeds to ensure a high germination rate. Propagate the onions in a nursery, ensuring proper soil solarization and adequate water supply. Finally, transplant the seedlings when they have reached a suitable size and the weather conditions are favorable.

Onion Spacing: Proper spacing is crucial for the healthy growth of onions. Space the onion seedlings by approximately 10x20cm. This spacing will allow for sufficient room for the bulbs to develop while minimizing competition for nutrients and water.

Pests and Diseases Control: in Onions Just like most other crops, onions are also susceptible to pest infestations and disease infections. So, you will want to implement proper disease and pest management strategies to protect your onion farm. Below are some of the common onion pests you should be on the lookout for (and how to control them):

Thrips: They suck the sap from your onion stems/leaves which will result in them turning a slivery white. To control thrips, alternate between Profile 440EC (30mls/20L) and Umeme (10ml/20L).

Caterpillars: Normally, they will feed on the leaves thereby impeding the growth of your onion plants. Control them by alternating between Profile 440EC (30mls/20L) and Benocarb 100SC (10ml/20L).

Common onion diseases you should be on the lookout for are:

Downey mildew: This results in the onion leaves turning yellow. They will eventually start drying from the tips downwards. Control it by spraying a good fungicide such as Trinity Gold® 450WP (50g/20L).

Purple blotch: It is characterized by water soaked lesions on the leaves which quickly develops with white centers.

Onion Doctor supports small holder farmers across Africa with quality and affordable Onion and Garlic seedlings, Onion seedlings, Farm planning services, Soil testing, Drip irrigation installation and maintenance, Agronomic support, Onion and Garlic value pack, Farm management, E-extension and on-farm training for farmers to optimize on yields and get maximum profits.

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